Term One is all about learning to :
recognize all 26 upper and lower case letters
identify the dominant sound each letter represents
make plausible attempts at writing letters in Victorian Modern Cursive font
We have been using a cuing system created by Jane Passy called cued
articulation to help students identify the type of sound each letter
makes and to cue them into making this sound.
As a prep team, we have found that pairing a visual of the letter, it's
name and finger cue has increased the students accuracy in recalling the
letter names and sounds. A vital skill needed when learning to read
and write.
You can learn more about Jane Passy and Cued Articulation by
visiting the Sounds for Learning website;
Below is a clip which demonstrates the formation of each cue. Some of the cues for
the vowel sounds and blends are not used currently in the classroom with
the students.
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